General Electric | Aga Parts

Genuine General Electric spare parts at the AGA Parts website

Please inquire about the prices and place an order for genuine General Electric spare parts to AGA Parts. We specialize in supplying reliable parts for heavy machinery and we can deliver them to 140 countries of the world. The owners of General Electric machines can enjoy the following benefits with us:

  • Affordable prices;
  • Short delivery terms;
  • Large range of spare parts.

Genuine General Electric spare parts as well as the products of its subsidiary companies (such as Waukesha Engine, for instance) can be purchased on an advanced order. The range of spare parts that you can order at the AGA Parts website includes the following ones, among others:

  • Parts for gas and steam turbines;
  • Hydro-mechanical equipment components;
  • Parts for wind and hydroelectric turbines;
  • Branded generator components;
  • Spare parts for high-speed piston-type compressors;
  • Parts for heat recuperation equipment;
  • Components of high-voltage motors and drive systems;
  • Horizontal pump system components.

Please fill out e-form to make an order. AGA Parts managers will use the information that you provide for making you a purchase offer. The offer will indicate the following:

  • The prices for the required General Electric spare parts;
  • The cost of the parts delivery to your region;
  • The expected terms of delivery.

The offer will be sent to your email address within a few hours after we receive your request. With our company, you can purchase high-quality spare parts at reasonable prices. You are welcome to discuss the delivery terms with our managers. We are open around the clock and we welcome customers from all over the globe.

The history and the products of General Electric

The American, or rather, the transnational General Electric company manufactures electric equipment for various sectors of economy. The company was established in 1878 by Thomas Edison the inventor and it was initially called Edison Electric Light. The company acquired its present name in 1892. General Electric still manufactures that products that Edison launched a long time ago:

  • Illuminating equipment;
  • Electricity transmission devices;
  • Industrial electric equipment;
  • Transportation vehicles;
  • Medical equipment.

The mechanisms and devices manufactured by General Electric have wide applications in aviation, medicine, military production, manufacturing industry, and in numerous households. The company has 6 key divisions. General Electric subsidiary companies are located in over 100 different countries. However, energy (traditional, nuclear, and alternative) remains at the core of the company development efforts. According to the statistics, General Electric produces one third of the total production of electricity in the world. 90% of energy transmission enterprises use General Electric products. 40% of the global energy flows are controlled with the help of General Electric software.

Gwarancja AGA Parts

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Firma AGA Parts współpracuje bezpośrednio z rzetelnymi i zaufanymi dostawcami, daje to możliwość zaoferowania konkurencyjnych cen zarówno dla dużych firm jak i osób prywatnych.
Mając na uwadze konieczność szybkiej dostawy, zawsze dokładamy wszelkich starań, abyście mogli Państwo otrzymać swoje zamówienia terminowo. Ścisła współpraca z różnymi firmami dostawczymi pomaga nam dostarczać części na całym świecie, do dowolnego miasta na świecie.